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01-01 to 03-31 $11180

Includes Spanish guide.

Regular: MART to SUN Time: 07:30  a 19:30 pm

Undoubtedly it is the most important excursion in our province, mountain landscapes everywhere, places full of history and the colorful hills of the Andes. We visit places like Potrerillos, Uspallata, Picheuta Historic Bridge, Polvaredas, Punta de Vacas, Penitentes, Puente del Inca, Aconcagua Provincial Park, Villa Fronteriza de Las Cuevas and if the road allows it, the monument to Christ the Redeemer, a symbol of peace located in San Elena hill at 4200 mtss.nm right on the border with our neighboring country, Chile. We go through downtown hotels to pick them up and it does not include meals or rental of waterproof snow equipment, both are contracted as optional during the excursion.

Includes: Transportation with guide. Search in the central Hotel.

Does not include Food

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